SNS Analytics Apps

Legal News
SNS Analytics
We scour the web to bring you all of the legalnews that is happening as it occurs. Plus, you see commentary onsocial media about the legal events of the day.
Atheism News
SNS Analytics
Up-to-the-minute news, videos, photos, tweetsand more on the topic of atheism. We aggregate news and contentfrom around the web and publish it into this app. See what thepress and the public are saying on the subject of atheism and trackhow perspectives "evolve". See what others are sharing in socialmedia on atheism and engage with the atheist community.
Oakland Daily
SNS Analytics
Up-to-the-minute news, videos, photos,tweetsand more on Oakland, CA. Keep tabs on what is happeningaround townand in the surrounding community. Stay current on thelocalpolitics affecting Oakland. Keep abreast of the businessactivitiesas well as sporting, entertainment and local eventshappening inthe city.
Houston Deals
SNS Analytics
We pull together all of the groupdiscounts,daily deals and flash sales that are happening around theHoustonmetro area and publish them into this app. We include dealsfromhundreds of suppliers.You can filter deals by category (Restaurant,Entertainment,etc.) or simply skim all of the deals that appear inthe stream.Don't let a great deal pass you by!
Austin Daily
SNS Analytics
Up-to-the-minute news, videos, photos,tweetsand more on Austin, TX. We aggregate news and content fromaroundthe web and publish it into this app. Keep tabs on whatishappening around town and in the surrounding community.Staycurrent on the local politics affecting Austin. Keep abreast ofthebusiness activities as well as sporting, entertainment andlocalevents happening in the city.
SF Daily
SNS Analytics
Up-to-the-minute news, videos, photos,tweetsand more on San Francisco, CA. We aggregate news and contentfromaround the web and publish it into this app. Keep tabs on whatishappening around town and in the surrounding community.Staycurrent on the local politics affecting The City. Keep abreastofthe business activities as well as sporting, entertainmentandlocal events happening in and around the Bay Area.
DC Daily
SNS Analytics
Up-to-the-minute news, videos, photos,tweetsand more on Washington D.C. We aggregate news and contentfromaround the web and publish it into this app. Keep tabs on whatishappening around town and in the surrounding community.Staycurrent on the local politics affecting the U.S. capital.Keepabreast of the business activities as well assporting,entertainment and local events happening in thecity.